Are you tired of sky-high energy bills that seem to never stop climbing? Imagine a future where you take control of your energy costs while helping the planet.
Welcome to the world of solar energy!
Let's estimate the savings you can make by installing solar panels on your roof?
Our certified installer will visit you for a free consultation, where the following factors will be analysed to offer you the best solution for your residence:
your energy consumption
At REC Solar, we empower homeowners across Australia and New Zealand to harness the boundless energy of the sun. Our mission is to transform the way you power your home, providing sustainable and cost-effective solutions.
REC solar panels come with a strong warranty, protecting your investment. Our commitment to quality is unwavering, and that's why we proudly offer a 25-year warranty on our solar panels. Our panels are built to withstand the test of time. From the moment your panels are installed, you can rest easy knowing that your investment is protected.
PRODUCT WARRANTY - up to 25 years
LABOR WARRANTY - up to 25 or 10 years
*Subject to warranty conditions
Founded in 1996, REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean, affordable solar power. As Solar’s Most Trusted, REC is committed to high quality, innovation, and a low carbon footprint in the solar materials and solar panels it manufactures. Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.